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Tim Migura
Published May 13, 2024


The overall aim of the study is to examine the influence of EU steering instruments on national VET structures. Using the example of midwifery training it is to be determined whether and to what extent Directive 2005/36/EC leads to an increased academisation of VET systems. A comparative analysis is made of the extent to which the countries of Germany, Austria and Switzerland have adaptedtheir legal requirements for midwiferytrainingtothe demand ofthe EU Directive over the periods 2002 and 2022. Neo-institutionalism serves as the theoretical framework. With regard to midwifery training the results suggest convergences between the countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland onthe one hand and convergences betweenthe region of Germany, Austria and Switzerland and the EU Directive 2005/36/EC on the other hand. In addition to the purely formal requirements Directive 2005/36/EC also conveys institutional myths because although the Directive does not explicitly call for the academisation of midwifery training this will be academised in the countries of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland by 2022.