Call for Papers: Issue 4


History of VET

The International Journal of Vocational Education Studies is pleased to announce a call for papers for the thematic section of issue four dedicated to the "History of Vocational Education and Training". We invite scholars from various disciplines to submit their manuscripts that explore the multifaceted history of vocational education and training (VET) across different regions, cultures, approaches, sectors, and time periods.

This call for papers aims to bring together a diverse range of studies and perspectives to enrich our understanding of how vocational education and training have shaped and been shaped by historical forces. We encourage submissions that offer new insights and foster a deeper appreciation of VET's role in societal development.

Call for Papers: Issue 3


Vocational Education and Training Systems between School and Company

From an international perspective, a variety of alternating or cooperative vocational education and training (VET) approaches are emerging, with the aim of enhancing graduates' employability and facilitating their integration into the labor market and society. The challenge of youth unemployment is a central concern within this context. Much attention is given to the development of (dual) apprenticeships, while in numerous countries, longstanding dual VET models are undergoing modernization efforts to address contemporary challenges. The advancement of alternating learning stands out as a key focus in the modernization of VET systems globally. Alternating learning involves a blend of school-based (theoretical) and company-based (practical) vocational education and training. However, what initially appears harmonious often reveals underlying conflicts of interest between public goals of fostering youth development and private objectives of skill development.