Vocational Education and Training Systems between School and Company

From an international perspective, a variety of alternating or cooperative vocational education and training (VET) approaches are emerging, with the aim of enhancing graduates' employability and facilitating their integration into the labor market and society. The challenge of youth unemployment is a central concern within this context. Much attention is given to the development of (dual) apprenticeships, while in numerous countries, longstanding dual VET models are undergoing modernization efforts to address contemporary challenges. The advancement of alternating learning stands out as a key focus in the modernization of VET systems globally. Alternating learning involves a blend of school-based (theoretical) and company-based (practical) vocational education and training. However, what initially appears harmonious often reveals underlying conflicts of interest between public goals of fostering youth development and private objectives of skill development.

The international landscape for standardizing VET exhibits diverse starting points and developmental trajectories. Issue 3 of IJVES aims to showcase examples of VET system modernization, particularly in the interplay between school and company-based learning environments. Contributions may include country-specific case studies, empirical studies or discussions on various aspects promoting and enhancing the connectivity of the learning venues. Topics may encompass stakeholder engagement, standardization and regulation of apprenticeship approaches, financing mechanisms for training place development, didactic-curricular models, among others. Comparative analyses of different systems and approaches are also encouraged.

 In summary, the editors invite papers that tackle one of the following questions:

  • What are the challenges of the cooperation between schools and companies?
  • What is the assigned role of companies within a national VET system? What are the special challenges to involve companies in a VET System? And what are the approaches to increase their participation?
  • How is the cooperation between school-based and company-based learning venues standardized and institutionalized? What are observable implementations?
  • How are school-based VET approaches „dualized“, that is, combined with company-based learning?
  • Who are the stakeholder of a national VET system? What are their assigned roles and their interests?
  • How are dual apprenticeship systems linked to higher education?

 These or related questions can be discussed within a single national context or with a comparative perspective. Papers across various approaches are welcome, embracing diverse methodological approaches including quantitative, qualitative, experimental, and mixed-methods research.

 This issue will be published in April 2025, and the deadline for submissions is September 15, 2024. It is the practice of this journal to publish slightly longer papers than usual; the editors do not limit the length of a paper, but ask that authors not submit excessively long works.

 The editors also invite other contributions to this issue. Besides the thematic section it is possible to submit a paper for the general section or the forum. Book reviews are also invited. For further information please see our website.

 If you are interested in submitting a paper, please contact the editorial office [ijves@uos.de] with a brief message so that we can plan and organize the upcoming issue accordingly.