Perspektiven - Soziale Arbeit in der Migrationsgesellschaft und muslimische Wohlfahrtspflege <p>Die Reihe Perspektiven bietet in regelmäßigen Abständen verschiedene Blickwinkel auf Soziale Arbeit in der Migrationsgesellschaft und muslimische Wohlfahrtspflege. Dabei setzt sie auf interdisziplinäre wissenschaftliche Zugänge, Praxisnähe und abwechslungsreiche Themensetzungen. Die Autor*innen dieses Perspektivenbandes diskutieren zum Auftakt der Reihe, wie Soziale Arbeit in der Migrationsgesellschaft aussehen kann, wie sich Gesellschaften und Soziale Arbeit gegenseitig beeinflussen und welche Rolle eine muslimische Wohlfahrtspflege in Zukunft spielen könnte.</p> de-DE (Dorothee Fenner) (Philip Münch) Fr, 24 Mai 2024 10:51:17 +0000 OJS 60 Introduction: Volunteering in the context of flight and asylum – A growing area of research in Germany <p><span lang="EN-US">In their introduction to this special issue on "Volunteering in the context of flight and asylum - Empirical insights into (educational) practice", Fenna tom Dieck and Lisa Rosen outline the research field in Germany with a special focus on qualitative studies. They conclude that future research can benefit from the further development of multi-perspective approaches, e.g. that the inclusion of different stakeholder perspectives can facilitate the decentering of researchers' perspectives.</span></p> Fenna tom Dieck, Lisa Rosen ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fr, 24 Mai 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Die Förderung sozialen Engagements Drittstaatenangehöriger in Vereinen als Aufgabe der Sozialen Arbeit <p>Third-country nationals are strongly underrepresented among volunteers, as noted by Johannes Eick and Markus Ottersbach in their contribution “Promoting the social engagement of third-country nationals in associations as a task of social work. Findings and recommendations from an evaluation study in North Rhine-Westphalia” in this issue. The authors identify the continued presence of local associations, the development of sustainable relationships and the long-term support of new volunteers as key factors for success.&nbsp; 3. Bauer</p> Johannes Eick, Markus Ottersbach ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fr, 24 Mai 2024 00:00:00 +0000 „Ich mag ihn, er hat mir viel geholfen, ich vergess das auch nicht, ja, aber“ – Umgang mit Machtasymmetrien in Tandembeziehungen im Kontext von Flucht*Migration <p>For her master‘s thesis, Verena Bauer conducted problem-centred interviews with refugee and non-refugee participants in social mentoring projects and privately organised tandem relationships and analysed the (mostly) asymmetrical relationships. In her article for this special issue, she summarises her analysis and points to the discomfort of both refugee and non-refugee participants with persistent power asymmetries, particularly in decision-making processes. She identifies different strategies used by participants to navigate and secure agency within these relationships.</p> Verena Bauer ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fr, 24 Mai 2024 00:00:00 +0000 On common ground, half full glasses and boundaries – Developing multi-perspectivity in research on social mentoring with refugees <p>In this article, Verena Bauer, Fenna tom Dieck, Sara Ismailaj and Lisa Rosen report on the process of developing multi-perspectivity in the research project “Social Mentoring in the Context of Flight and Asylum”. They present initial findings from their grounded theory analysis in relation to three different actor perspectives and various forms of social mentoring: University students who perceive common ground in critical service learning with mentees, mentees who have a pragmatic view of hierarchical structures in mentoring relationships, and professionals who stress the importance of boundaries in social mentoring.</p> Verena Bauer, Fenna tom Dieck, Sara Ismailaj, Lisa Rosen ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fr, 24 Mai 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Autorenverzeichnis Perspektiven Redaktion ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fr, 24 Mai 2024 00:00:00 +0000