JCYD is an international, online, open access, peer review journal for the study of personal and social development in childhood and adolescence. Its perspectives are multi-disciplinary, coming from educational sciences, psychology and sociology. The journal aims at a better understanding of contemporary socialization processes, focusing on the link between the individual and the society, presenting current and comparative studies using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The Journal's Co-Editors are Prof. Dr. Beate Wischer und Prof. Dr. Wassilis Kassis of the University of Osnabrueck in Germany.
A special concern of JCYD is the aim to identify appropriate socialization practices and to promote the development, advancement and dissemination of knowledge about challenging issues. JCYD publishes theoretically informed and original research from a multitude of perspectives and covering a broad band aspects of childrens’ and adolescent’ life affecting wider society.
Current Issue
Vol 1 No 1 (2013): Resilience from an ecological view
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Journal of Child and Youth Development (JCYD), an international, online, open access, peer reviewed journal that will encompass all aspects of personal and social development in childhood and adolescence. While the focus will be on peer-review articles, the journal will consider additional contributions that are scientifically sound and within its scope.
Published: 2013-05-30